21 Ways In 21 Days To Earn More Music School Profits

Without Teaching 40 Hours/Week & Hiring Teachers

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Start My 21-Day Experience

Over the next 21 days, I’m going to email you a lesson focused on helping you earn more music school profits…

Without needing to teach 40 hrs/week and hire teachers.

They’ll be delivered straight to your inbox. So every morning, you’ll feel more aligned with your music school faster than you could chug your coffee.

Every email is curated from the most valuable lessons I’ve learned over these past 4 years of coaching.

How me and my teachers have escaped the traditional way…

❌ More students = more stress

❌ Big building & team = Success

❌ Prioritizing lessons spots over your own music career

And found more profits/freedom/fun using the Lifestyle Music School model.

✅ Signing up dream students only…even if it means leaving more short term money

✅ Lean, simple business model that fits our dream lifestyle

✅ Building a music school that still allows you time to be a musician

They’re the same lessons that’s helped:

🔥 Alek double his piano academy to over $14k/month & hit over 75 students.

🔥 Tristan be on pace to his 6-figure goal without even needing to hire teachers by launching his hybrid program for adult piano students!

🔥 Victoria launch her premium program to her voice students and feels more fulfilled teaching committed students that she loves!

🔥 Emily follow our Student Acquisition System and earn $10k in just a single month!

🔥 Cymber earn her first $10K month with her online harp improv course and now has the freedom to travel, perform, and teach on her own terms!

Start My 21-Day Experience

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