About Social Media Music Teacher

Ben Nguyen - Empowering Teachers to Create Profitable, Purpose-Drive Lifestyle Music Schools

Wassup, I’m Ben.

I started teaching piano back in 2017, diving in headfirst before I even began my music education degree. Teaching was my way of sharing the joy of music, and at first, I loved every lesson. But as I took on more students, juggled school, rehearsals, and later, a coaching business, something shifted. By 2022, I found myself in that all-too-familiar burnout zone—teaching a full roster, running from lesson to lesson, and losing the passion that brought me into music in the first place. I felt stuck in the traditional model, like being a “successful” music teacher meant scaling past 40 students, hiring teachers, and renting a physical location.

Then I started noticing the same burnout in my clients. They were facing the same cycle—full rosters, constant hustle, no time for their own music. That’s when I knew there had to be a better way for us.

That’s how the Lifestyle Music School model was born. Now, I coach music teachers on how to build their own path to a 6-figure music school, without the grind of teaching 40+ hours or hiring a huge team. My clients create custom models that work for their lives, whether it’s through online courses, hybrid programs, or just breaking free from the traditional “fill every hour” mentality. It’s about building a music school that lets you live your life, inspire your students, and even get back to your own music. Especially now, when I have the freedom to progress in my career as a music producer/DJ outside of coaching.

If you’re a music teacher wanting more profits, freedom, and dream students that reflects your values, then welcome to my world. My mission is to help you create a sustainable, passion-filled music school that feels aligned for you—not just another job.

If you're new, you're invited to our free 21-day experience!

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