Lifestyle Music Teacher Content

Helping music teachers create $10k/m Lifestyle Music Schoolsā€”profitable, purpose-driven, and freeing them to live as musicians again

this lesson will help you unlock your creativity with your music school


For the longest time, I thought success as a music teacher meant:

More students
Teaching longer hours
Squeezing in time for my music “someday”

I literally thought my performance career was over after graduating music school.

I believed I’d be stuck in a music classroom for 8–10 hours a day.

So when I decided to go all in on my piano studio, I felt completely lost.
Business felt like a foreign language.
And they definitely didn’t teach this in music school.

In this video, I’m sharing a snippet from my 90-minute workshop, The Balance Creative.
It’s all about:

Mastering your business, just like you mastered your music
Letting money flow to you—not against you

This is for you if:

You want to create a school that energizes you (not drains you)
You want to teach dream students who value your expertise and creativity
You’re ready to let go of that survival energy you started with
You want to step into a new version of yourself as a...

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When are you moving past the traditional way of teaching?

When are you moving past the traditional way of teaching?


Our music ed world is moving fast.


COVID got online lessons just as popular as in-person. Now AI is reshaping everything—including the way we run our music schools.


For teachers still sticking with the traditional way, it’s easy to feel like you’re falling behind.


Packed schedules, low rates, burnout… those old methods don’t fit a world that’s moving forward.


Yesterday, I shared a private training with my clients—the 7 trends I’m seeing with the New Era Lifestyle Music Teacher.


These aren’t your usual fixes that everyone’s told you before like:


“Oh just raise your prices.” “Do group lessons!”


They’re focused on helping you build a biz that’s fully aligned with WHY you started it in the first place.


Teachers making these shifts are waking up energized, with time for...

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Why I stopped teaching piano lessonsā€¦


Why I stopped teaching piano lessons…

If you’ve followed my journey over the years, you might’ve known that I shut down my piano studio in 2022.

I felt so burnt out after years of juggling my life as a part-time piano teacher...

AND full-time music ed student…all while growing THIS coaching business.

And because I didn’t have the right teaching model for myself…

(I thought success meant teaching 40 private students lol)

I went through a year-long process of not taking on new students and letting old ones naturally leave.

While the dark side was saying “Who are you to help music teachers if you’re not a teacher yourself?”

The Jedi's were in my corner, saying “Where does your impact lie best? Who are you meant to serve?”

I wanted to share my story because I hope it empowers you to take that next chapter in your music school journey.

Maybe you’re leaving an old chapter of “getting as many students as I...

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